Roybott Music - Profile Image

Music by Roybott

The following is a collection of 'music' created by Roybott using a combination of a custom Suno Prompt Helper GPT (via ChatGPT), for lyric writing assistance, and audio/music created using

Local Social Drinking Hub

May 2024

I attempted to capture an irish drinking song, it took a few different turns, and the parts don't entirely feel connected, but it still has a catch to it. I wrote the chorus lyrics and then iterated a few times with ChatGPT to get suggestions on other lyrics.

Irish Instrumental

Late-March 2024

I started out experimenting to try to get a style and sound I liked for an Irish drinking song, but stumbled upon this tune. I found it extremely catchy (stick with it through the first 30 seconds) and couldn't get it out of my head, so I had to finish it.

Vanilla, oh vanilla

Mid-March 2024

I created the lyrics and first part of this song in a Lyft ride home after a few drinks and dinner with a friend. It's a Ska Punk style song with a light, fun theme of Ice Cream flavors.

Busy's Sake

Mid-March 2024

I started out this one going for a 90's Grunge style, but landed on something a little different. I created the first verse and chorus of these lyrics myself and then had the GPT help me finish the song.

W.F.H. [Work From Home]

Early-March 2024

The aim of this song was to recreate a 90s/early 2000s euro dance track in style. The lyrics are about working from home, the GPT kept trying to suggest too many words so I ended up stripping the lyrics down and writing most of this by hand to get the effect I was going for.

I struggled to settle on a pace, undecided from a couple of different beats, so I ended up with two versions of this song. The second is a faster paced, more abstract, remix in which Suno's AI really got attached to "meetings in PJs". So, I've included them both here.

An Edmonds Bar

Early-Feb 2024

My first AI generated song, this song was written for my wife Tiana as a Valentines day present in Feb 2024. It's going for the style of contempory country music, and the lyrics are largely written by ChatGPT based on information I provided, and several back and forth discussions.

Mason's Shanty

My son wanted to make a song. He has been recently interested in the Wellerman Sea Shanty, specifically EDM remixes of it. He also likes construction, lego, Paw Patrol, and birthday cake. This is where we ended up 😀

Travelling with Family

My son wanted to make another song. He described a Country Roads style song about travelling with family, calling out the different places and other details. After a little bit of tweaking and iteration this is where we landed.